Solio Classic Universal Hybrid Charger

Solio Classic Universal Hybrid ChargerI bought this product about a year ago. i travel alot an like to use the cell as back up for when I do not have time to sit and wait in a airport. (can recharge on the plane) For my phone and mp3 player it has worked great. It will recharge my razor 2.5 times before being drained.

I noticed it seemed to take a long time until I talked with an engineer friend of mine who told me that most glass, especially glad in cars, is designed now to reduce the full impact of the sun in various ways. Best to to this outside. Upon reading reviews, those who had the best charge rates were those who indeed left theirs outside in one place.

Finally one of the main reasons I invested in this device was to help front the money in a company and technology I beieve we must develop further. By buying this product, I hope the company will make enough to continue to develop better products for us in the future. I have seen this product evolve to this point before buying one that seemed pragmatic and affordable so I would like to help ensure its future.

I've had a great experience with all of my Solio chargers. Critics need to understand the basics of solar power before they complain. This is an excellent product not only for the environment but for the convenience factor. I've had great luck on long camping and back country trips where the Solio has powered my GPS and cell phone when I needed it most. Don't knock it till you try it. And to the wonderful people at Solio I say keep up the excellent work I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Buy Solio Classic Universal Hybrid Charger Now

It takes about 8 hours of direct sunlight to fully charge. If its overcast

and/or not pointed towards sun it will take longer. Best to not do it through

a window. Its just common sense.

It comes with the adapter to connect to the ipod. You just plug the solio to

the adapter which leaves you with an USB connector free to hook to the

ipod or iphones cable that came with that device. A lot of people just don't get the connections. Then just push the on/off button and your charging from the solio's internal battery. If you have almost any cellphone adapters can be easily ordered for around $10.

Read Best Reviews of Solio Classic Universal Hybrid Charger Here

This is a compact, light weight unit designed to recharge our standard hand held electronic devices we lug around with us. I use mine for my cell phone, iPod and kindle. It came with several tips to adapt to different phones, but my Motorola just uses a mini-USB. I had to buy a micro-USB for my kindle and I opted for the iPod cable. If the Solio is fully charged, it will pretty much fully charge any of these units. A full charge will take pretty much all of the capicity of the Solio, so don't even think about fully charging more than one device in a day.

My sister carried one of these around Europe so her kids could use their hand help video games during down time. As various countries have different voltages and different plug configurations, this became a handy tool.

I wanted to give the Solio 5 stars, my only complaint is that it takes MANY, many hours to fully recharge this little guy. You need full and direct sunlight to make it happen. In the desert your gold. If you have this tied to your backpack and you are in a shaded forest for most of the day, don't expect much of a charge.

Want Solio Classic Universal Hybrid Charger Discount?

I needed a way to charge my camcorder battery while backpacking in the Grand Canyon. Over 6 miles from an electrical outlet, this worked perfectly. It was also light enough not to weigh me down.


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