Buy Sony CR2032 Lithium Ion Battery Now
This initially worked, but died within the month (used in a bathroom scale). The original battery had lasted 4 years. Assuming batteries bought from this supplier, or through Amazon in general, are probably older and inventory is not checked for quality control.These batteries did not work for me. I do believe that they must have been sitting around for some years because they had very little charge to them. Not one worked for more then a few minutes. I had to purchase from another place and they (at the other place) had the expiration date clearly marked on them. They also worked without a hitch. When a battery doesn't work on a product such as 3D glasses, it's more then unfortunate. It's mis-leading and can become fretful. I was concerned that a 150.00 pair of 3D glasses were defective. No battery should be sold without a clearly marked expiration date and without it being tested if they've been left to sit around so long.The battery on my desktop PC started to go and it was time to get a new one. After taking the computer case apart and verifying the type, I looked around for a replacement. It snapped right in and worked flawlessly. While there isn't much more to say about a battery, for what I paid for this one and the fact that it arrived in around 4 days, it was just the ticket. No complaints whatsoever and I would purchase from this seller again.Sony CR2032 Lithium Ion Battery
Posted by
on Sunday, December 29, 2013
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